The Shoenberg Laboratory for Quantum Matter
The Shoenberg Laboratory for Quantum Matter was formed in 2004, combining the Low Temperature Physics group (LTP) and the Interdisciplinary Research Centre in Superconductivity (IRC).
The Quantum Matter Group at the Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, studies matter under extreme conditions, i.e., at very low temperatures, high magnetic fields and high pressure using advanced experimental techniques. The goal of this research is to understand new forms of magnetism and superconductivity and to find electrically conducting materials with new physical properties not described within the standard models of solid state physics. Some of the recent discoveries of the group are finding applications in the fields of refrigeration and detector technology.
The group is a beneficiary of funding from a wide array of national and international funding bodies. These include EPSRC, the Royal Society, the European Research Council, ICAM, KAIST as well as several Cambridge colleges.